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    About the Talent Cultivation System of the Talent Development Center of CVTE (Guangzhou Shiyuan Electronics Co., Ltd.)


    Talents are the lifeblood of an enterprise. 

    As the Chinese economy connects with the world economy at a faster pace, every Chinese enterprise is faced with cut-throat competition with domestic and overseas peers. While the competition seems to be all about products, technologies and services, in fact it is a contest among talents of enterprises. Therefore, scientific and systematic training and development of talent is key to preserve an enterprise’s core competitiveness. Guangzhou-based Shiyuan Electronics Co., Ltd. (CVTE), a rising star in the hi-tech industry, has always put great store by the talent development and built a talent development center to achieve innovative talent development as a driver behind company development and an extraordinary position amid the furious competition in the market. 

    A “Whampoa Military Academy (talent bank)” inside the Enterprise 

    Before taking off, an enterprise will stay still and cultivate itself so as to gush out enormous power and creativity in the future development. 

    In 2012, CVTE’s TV main board business was growing fast while its entire business team was fast expanding as well, giving rise to increasingly critical problems concerning talent. The company’s talent development could not keep up with its business growth, resulting in situations where some employees’ capabilities failed to meet business demand. The HR management at the time was unable to acquire talent effectively and maximize their performance. The talent development mechanism for new employees and in-service employees had yet to be systematized, which hindered the efficient transfer of experience. These issues hampered the company’s transformation, and talent cultivation and upgrading became a strategic issue in corporate development. 

    To synchronize talent development with the enterprise’s growth, CVTE established a corporate training center in 2012, which was updated to a talent development center four years later, namely in 2016 when CVTE had grown from a main board supplier into a cross-industry enterprise with several subsidiaries. CVTE was listed at the stock market in early 2017. 

    As CVTE developed, its talent development center played an indispensable role, especially in talent cultivation. The talent cultivation is available to everyone in the company, from new employees, to in-service employees to key employees, and has become an “accelerator” for them to acquire knowledge and improvement, supplying a legion of excellent employees to CVTE as it advances. 

    To some extent, the talent development center has become an internal “Whampoa Military Academy (talent bank)” in the CVTE. 

    The “Customized Program” of Talent Development 

    Far beyond merely providing training, the talent development center of CVTE enables employees to improve their own value within the enterprise through organizational development, leadership skills, and specialist skills and demonstrate their new skills in daily operations and special projects. 

    1. Differentiated training. The talent development center of CVTE serves all employees and provides them with training based on their own characteristics and needs at different phases. The training is categorized into pre-job training for new employees; on-the-job knowledge and skill training for in-service employees; and leadership training for management. The management leadership program is planned, designed and implemented by the talent development center; the occupational skill development program for non-management personnel is designed and implemented by the business departments based on methodologies and tools provided by the talent development center.

    2. Inclusive content. Attaching great importance to employees’ comprehensive quality, CVTE designs its training system with more diversification and all-inclusiveness. Take new employee training as an example, CVTE has devised a plenty of learning content, which contains five modules: safety exercise, cultural atmosphere, career transformation, career development and general competences. The safety exercise consists of courses about fire drill, basics of law, first aid for emergencies, etc. CVTE aims to turn its employees into people who are able to not only accomplish work but also reap respect in the society.

    3. Development with a route. Bearing in mind the rule that development is a step-by-step process, the talent development center customizes development channel and training plans for employees as they advance through specific positions, and realizes routed development through the systematization of key tasks and processes as well as curriculum development. When learning in practices and discussions, trainees are guided by experienced mentors, who would help them set and attain goals for every development phase of their career so as to significantly improve their professional and technical competences and reach a higher position. The result of “1+1>2” can be achieved by targeted and routed planning and a smart course portfolio.

    4. Refined curriculum design. The talent development center offers online courses and offline courses. The online courses transfer knowledge, while the offline courses concentrate on skill training, application, simulation, discussion and analysis. On top of this after-training mentors and practical tasks are offered to enhance the impact of the training. In the offline courses, trainees are assisted by mentors, who will offer guidance and methods to find solutions whenever they encounter difficulties in work. The offline courses also design practical tasks and help trainees transform knowledge into practice on the basis of taught knowledge points and trainees’ needs in their jobs. Furthermore, all the courses have gone through four processes: analysis and design, development, implementation and evaluation to make them more scientific and of practical value.

    5. Shared teaching. Keeping pace with the trend of “Internet+”, the talent development center has released sharable online 3-5-minute classes by the means of Internet technology, which have greatly improved learning efficiency by fitting with employees’ fragmented time. “Vtalk Classroom”, a live learning platform, is also a part of the sharable teaching. Through a theme and 15 minutes, employees can prepare shared content themselves and the threshold of passing and exchanging knowledge and experience has been lowered for them as design masters would share with them the secrets of UI design, quality gurus unveil the Six Sigma and quality master-hands teach how to catalyze teaching with product thinking... On the platform, everyone has the opportunity to be a lecturer. Meanwhile, the talent development center has also set community learning modules including mutual aid among groups, online Q&A, knowledge center and learning billboard, which facilitate employees to interact and exchange ideas, breaking the barriers among departments, speeding up information circulation and maximizing the effect of shared teaching.

    6. Quantified evaluation. On the basis above, the CVTE talent development center collects, organizes and analyzes data on trainees’ performance during the “for employees” learning phase. While assessing trainees’ satisfaction and knowledge mastery, the talent development center continuously monitors the training application and behavioral change in actual work, with the support of business departments, and optimizes the talent training system with these findings. 

    CVTE with a Dynamic Talent Base

    In this era where knowledge explode and update fast, the society is developing fast and every field is extremely competitive. 

    Only by relying on a talent development center can CVTE become an organic whole that continuously adapts to external changes. 

    First of all, a good talent cultivation system can comprehensively accelerate the growth of talent in an enterprise. What CVTE talent development center gives employees is clear channels for promotion, a scientific curriculum, diversified training and opportunities to develop and demonstrate capabilities so that them can improve themselves through opportunities, resources and incentives, turning passive learning into active learning to secure the all-round sound growth of the enterprise’s talent.  

    Besides, thanks to this foundation laid by prominent talents, CVTE’s corporate power continues to be reinforced. As shown by its performance, CVTE doubled its revenue every two years over the past five years and its compound growth rate of net profit has maintained up to 47% annually over the past three years. Moreover, CVTE became the first Guangzhou-based enterprise that applied more than one thousand patents per year in 2016. But for CVTE’s talents, these accomplishments would not have been made. 

    At last, in the evolving business environment, CVTE’s talent development center creates an ambitious corporate atmosphere that celebrates sharing, and reliably fuels CVTE and its employees for sustainable future development. 

    Employees are the core booster of an enterprise’s development since an enterprise’s development hinges on the development of its people, the driving force behind its development. In the future, CVTE’s “Whampoa Military Academy (talent bank)” will breed more talent that will help CVTE to rise to a higher level.