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      CVTE MAXHUB Conference Panel Achieves First-Ranking Transaction Index on Double 11


      By November 11, CVTE’s MAXHUB conference panel had achieved a multi-channel transaction index1 of more than 50 million. Its transaction index2 on ranked first, 3 times over the second place; its transaction index on Tmall also ranked first, much higher than the second place.

      In the aspect of product, MAXHUB was the sales champion of all sizes in the conference panel category on the whole network. The MAXHUB X3 conference panels sized 55-86 inches gained the first-ranking sales volume in each size segment.

      MAXHUB continues striving to push the industry to new pinnacles. According to AVC’s 2018Q2 China Conference Panel Market Research Report, by the second quarter of 2018, MAXHUB’s brand share ranked first, with sales volume and revenue much higher than that of the second place, and the sales volume and revenue of MAXHUB products ranging from last year’s best-selling 65-inch small-sized panel to the 86-inch large panel topped the list.

      Meanwhile, in such industries as finance, medicine, manufacturing, Internet, and real estate, MAXHUB has a mass of loyal users, who would choose MAXHUB conference panel for places like conference rooms, executive offices, recreation areas, banking outlets, and workshops and important scenarios like daily meetings, high-level decision-making meetings, brainstorming meetings, remote training, and customer reception to make office work easier and smarter, help enterprises save consumables and travel costs and drive up business growth with information-based upgrade. 

      Since its early days, CVTE has been delving into users' needs, innovating products through mass creation and designing new products with the concept of developing one generation and planning one generation to meet the market demands and making early plans. In 2017, the high-efficiency conference platform MAXHUB was launched and entered the era of smart meetings hand in hand with global customers. In 2018, the new MAXHUB X3 conference panel and series of products were launched, which was a big step forward in the competition of conference panel.

      The services of MAXHUB have been widely lauded by users. According to statistics, in 2017, MAXHUB call center listened and communicated more than 42,000 times and the online platform offered consultation service for more than 12,000 partners and maintained service satisfaction of more than 99% and call completing rate of more than 96%3 . Mr. Wei from Jiangxi said, “MAXHUB is the most devoted manufacturer I have ever seen. It has the fastest response and feedback!”

      In the future, MAXHUB will complete its plan on the display products for all conference scenarios, break the constraints of convention, realize interpersonal and inter-enterprise connections, provide enterprise users with one-stop solutions and conduct service optimization and upgrade to add the power of technologies to 100 million conference rooms4 and enable more workers to experience the high efficiency of easy office work.

      1. The transaction index is a value obtained by comprehensive calculation based on the core indicators related to the transaction process, such as the number of orders, the number of buyers, the number of units, and the payment amount. The higher the value, the greater the popularity of the brand. The transaction index is not equivalent but corresponds to the transaction amount or value.

      2. First-ranking transaction index first: The Tmall data are from Sheng Yi Can Mou; and the JD data are from the conference audio and video category of JD Shangzhi

      3. The data are from the statistics by MAXHUB Call Center on December 20, 2017

      4. The data are from AVC’s 2017H1 China Conference Panel Market Research Report